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Can You See-through Voile Curtains at Night?

Voile curtains, due to their lightweight and sheer nature, generally do not provide a high level of privacy or light blocking, especially at night. While voile curtain panels allow light to filter through during the day, they offer minimal privacy and are almost transparent when there is interior lighting at night. This means that people outside may be able to see into your space when the lights are on, as voile panels don’t block the light.

If privacy is a concern, or if you want to block out more light, you may want to consider using a combination of voile curtain panels with heavier, more opaque curtains or blinds. By using a thicker or blackout curtain behind the voile curtain panels, you can control the level of light and privacy to suit your needs. This allows you to enjoy the sheer and decorative aspects of voile curtains during the day while having the option to block out light and maintain privacy at night.

Keep in mind that the level of privacy provided by voile curtain panels will also depend on factors such as the density of the fabric, the lighting conditions both inside and outside, and the distance between the curtain and the window. If privacy is a significant concern, you may want to consider using curtains or window coverings specifically designed for that purpose during the nighttime hours.

What is the Difference Between a Voile and a Net Curtain?

Paired back with complementary cream voile, grey voile can add a modern, minimalist style to a room. The translucent fabric allows the morning sun to shining through, casting a soft glow over furniture and fittings. The headings tab on the voile allows the curtains to be gathered back onto a tie-back basket to fully let light fill the room. 

Voile remains a timeless, delicate way to dress windows in many houses whilst maintaining privacy. Voile curtains are a popular choices for many houses as they allow natural light to filter into a room whilst maintaining privacy.

The main differences between a linen voile and a linen net curtain lie in the type of fabric used and their respective characteristics:

Fabric Type:

  • Linen Voile Curtain: Linen Voile curtain panels are made from linen fabric. Linen is a natural material known for its durability and breathable qualities. Linen voile curtains are typically lightweight, semi-sheer, and have a rustic or natural texture. They allow some light to pass through while offering a certain level of privacy.
  • Linen Net Curtain: A linen net curtain is also made from linen, but it is designed with a more open weave, similar to traditional net curtains. This means that linen net curtains are even more sheer and delicate compared to linen voile curtains. They allow a significant amount of light to filter through and offer limited privacy. Linen net curtains often have a more ornate or decorative design.


  • Linen Voile Curtain: Linen voile curtain panels have a semi-transparent and textured appearance, but the linen fabric can give them a somewhat earthy or organic feel. Moreover, voile curtain panels are suitable for creating a light and airy atmosphere with a touch of rustic charm. So, a slot top voile panel offers a sophisticated yet stylish appearance for your living rooms, dining rooms, or other rooms in which you install them.
  • Linen Net Curtain: Linen net curtains, due to their open weave, have a very delicate and lace-like appearance. They often feature intricate patterns or designs and are used primarily for decorative purposes rather than functional light or privacy control.
  1. Functionality:
  • Linen Voile Curtain: Linen Voile curtain panels offer more privacy and light control compared to linen net curtains. While voile curtain panels still allow some light to pass through, they are typically used when you want to maintain a level of privacy in a room while diffusing natural light.
  • Linen Net Curtain: Linen net curtains are primarily decorative and are less effective at providing privacy or light control. They are often used to obscure the view from outside while allowing maximum natural light to enter a space.

In summary, the main difference between a linen voile curtain and a linen net curtain is the degree of sheerness and the intended purpose. Linen voile curtain panels are somewhat sheer and are used for a balance between light diffusion and privacy, while linen net curtains are extremely sheer and are primarily chosen for their decorative and ornamental qualities. Your choice between the two would depend on your specific aesthetic preferences and functional requirements for your window coverings.

Is Voile the Same as Sheer Curtains?

"Voile" and "sheer curtains" are terms often used interchangeably in the context of window treatments, but there can be some subtle differences in the materials used and the level of sheerness. Here's a breakdown of the terms:

  1. Voile:
  • Voile is a specific type of fabric known for its lightweight, semi-transparent, and airy qualities. It is typically made from various materials, including cotton, polyester, or a blend of fibers.
  • Voile curtains are generally made from voile fabric and are designed to provide a level of privacy while allowing natural light to filter through. Moreover, voile curtain panels have a smooth and contemporary appearance and come in various patterns and designs.
  • Voile curtains can be used to create a soft, diffused lighting effect and a sense of openness. Moreover, easy to hang slot top heading further enhances the appearance of the windows, especially if you match or pair them with your voile curtain colours.
  1. Sheer Curtains:
  • "Sheer curtains" is a broader term that encompasses a range of curtain types made from lightweight, see-through fabrics. These fabrics can include voile, as well as other materials like chiffon, organza, or polyester.
  • Sheer curtains are designed to offer varying degrees of privacy and light diffusion. They allow light to filter through, creating a soft and ethereal ambiance while still providing some level of privacy.
  • Sheer curtains can come in a variety of styles, designs, and fabric types, allowing for a broader range of aesthetic choices.

In summary, voile panels are made from a type of fabric that is often used to make sheer curtains. Sheer curtains, as a general category, encompass a wider range of fabrics and styles that are intended to allow light to pass through while offering varying levels of privacy. While there are differences in materials and aesthetics, both voile panels and sheer curtains serve the common purpose of creating a light, airy, and semi-private atmosphere in a room. Rest depends on the user’s personal preference if the user wants voile curtain panels or sheer fabric curtains.